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“Hate is too great a burden to bear”


When something as horrific as the shooting of innocent people happens, we may be tempted to dismiss it in our mind as not affecting us personally, we may not have had a close friend or loved one hurt in such an event, it may not have happened in our country and as such we are further tempted to view it as distant and not personal. But even then, if we do take the time to listen to our intuition, we feel the pain and the grief of it all, it really could happen to any one of us, and since we are all one in this experience we call life, it did happen to all of us, is it a part of us and there has been a wound gashed out of our flesh and we can feel the sting of it way after the wound has been exposed to air. As these incidences happen all around the world we must gather and unify in our grief and call out the injustice by name, call it out in our communities, in our gatherings and with our inside voices, the breath that we each take silently, what are the words not spoken, are they condemning or loving?

Discrimination is something humanity has lived with from the beginning of time, in my lifetime I hold the faith that the veil covering our vision is being pushed away, each and every one of us has to consciously participate in pushing away their own individual veil. Discrimination is such an ignorant act as if to say “I am human but I know better of creation than God itself, so I am going to correct it myself, according to my limited beliefs” we need to start openly discussing homosexuality in our churches, it is easy to say, that church or that religion is not addressing discrimination, but what about the church you go to? What about the gathering you go to? Are we contributing to love or hate?

Where do we go to express our grief? Which mountain do we stand on to shout “enough is enough!!”

“Hate is too great a burden to bear”

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